Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Behaviorism A Psychological Approach - 2941 Words

Behaviorism Behaviorism is a psychological approach that combines the elements of theory, philosophy and methodology. Behaviorism refers to that school of psychology that was founded by Watson. It was basically based on the assumption or belief that it is possible to change, train and measure behaviors (Drisoll, 2000). Behaviorism is a psychological school of thought that was established when Watson published his classic paper Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It (1913). The terms behaviorism is, therefore, that psychological perspective whose its explanations about learning are actually based on the relationship that exists between the events in the environment and behaviors that can be observed rather than on internal processes. It came up in the early 20th century basically as a reaction to the mentalistic psychology, which often was incapable of making predictions that rigorous experimental methods could be a test (Watson, 2008). Behaviorism, also behavioral psychology, is that learning theory based upon the idea and belief that any given or all behaviors and conducts are obtained through conditioning. Conditioning actually occurs through the interaction with the environment. They (behaviorists) assume that our responses shape our behaviors to the environmental stimuli (Drisoll, 2000). This school of thought argues that any person’s conduct can actually be studied in a manner that is observable and systematic without considering their internal mental states. ItShow MoreRelatedPsychological Approaches : Behaviorism, Cognitive And Humanistic Approach1659 Words   |  7 PagesAnalysis of three psychological approaches; behaviourism, cognitive and humanistic. Three psychological approaches will be discussed in this essay, it will analyse the strengths and limitations of each the humanistic, cognitive and the humanistic approach. 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